Sunday, January 7, 2018

January 2018

We have been in the Tina Avenue house for a month now. The household is really well set up with just some fine turing to do.
We have 5 new chickens and are collecting 2-3 eggs per day. A couple of the chickens are little young to lay yet. We did have 6 but a snake ate one. We now have a solar powered snake deterrent - so far so good.
Lovely November lilies
The Tina Avenue garden is very different from June Parade. We are right on the water and the plants are more tropical. These lilies were flowering before we moved in so I cut loads for the other house while we were there.
A lovely display
This is the same vase in a new setting just one month later.
All from June parade house
I made a cheese and spinach soufflé for the first time in years. It tasted wonderful.
Must do this more often
On the way back from Hawaii I picked up a new gin from Australia.
A lovely drop
The days have been hot as expected, but the breezes here are so much better. Not obstructed by the hedge and the big mango trees.
Our verandah view
Wonderful trees
New Jaccaranda tree 
I carried this tree home from Danise's house in Kedron. It is doing very well. We wanted one to replace the lovely tree on June Parade.
A lovely sunset as the ferry came in
Lovely end to the day
Baking day
I found Mum's old 1960's recipe for boiled fruit cake. Plus a very new recipe for an apple cake. Both very popular.
Afternoon reading spot
This was a lovely place to sit and read in the afternoons. Now in Tina Avenue the chaise lounge has a more conventinal Position inside.

We work each day on projects around the house and garden. When the weather is cooler we will get so much more done. Luckily this month the tides have been right for swimming during the middle of the day. Makes it so pleasant to cool off.

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