Sunday, October 15, 2017


It has been unseasonably hot this month. We are not looking forward to summer at all.
We have swum in the sea pool as the moon and tides have been favourable for the middle of the day cool downs. It is so refreshing, still chilly, but because of this we have the pool to ourselves.

It is raining today and a slightly cooler breeze so we are going to eat the last of the soups in the freezer. I always make large pots of soup so we have some for freezing.
I also made 18 chicken and leek pies yesterday for the freezer - a great stand by.
Comfort food
The spring flowers are blooming.
So beautiful
Good from all sides
In the 1960's bamboo was a big fashion thing for a while. Near us in Slack's Creek was a large bamboo factory. Our Mother loved the vases etc. We had so many pieces but now only a few remain.
I love using these pieces
One of our neighbours has lovely red bottle brush trees on the fence line. We like them so much we have decided to plant some at Tina Ave. They are excellent for attracting birds.
Great in a vase also
 Last Saturday there was a sailing regatta of some sort that went through the passage. I just managed to get in a photo in time to capture the 'junk'.
There were lots of different boats
I made an Italian rice pudding last week. I have had the recipe for years and just came upon it again. The sultanas are soaked in Grappa - genius idea. The pudding looked very wet when cooked but firmed up - a little too much. Will have to make sure it has plenty of milk/cream next time.
With strawberries and blueberries
We are going to miss the view over the passage when we move to Tina Ave. The view there is great across to Stradbroke Island but there is no where near as much activity on the water.
We will be able to view the sunrise and have great views of the full moon over the water - but sunsets will be limited.
Making the most of it while we can
The curlews are back. This family have adopted us. We often find them in our garden waiting for tidbits.
So sweet
I have had many cat ornaments over the years. Surprisingly very few that I have bought myself. Some find their way to a charity shop after a reasonable space of time. Graham is the best cat ornament giver as he totally understands cat faces. This little one is a treat. He guarded books for years in the sunroom at Carramar Street and now resides on Lamb Island adding his presence to the pot plants on the verandah.
Love him

Monday, October 2, 2017

We have inhereted a cat

Son Mark inhereted a cat from a neighbour who was leaving the island. Now Mark has a new partner with an allergy to cats - so we have adopted him. It wasn't a huge upheaval for him as he spent lots of time with us when ever he felt like it.
As soon as his food and dishes were installed in our kitchen he realised that this was now home. I am sure he worked out very quickly that we are a much more interesting household. We are home most of the time - so are his beck and call for food, chats and brushing his fur.
He loves my fur rug
Sits here to be admired
I have started to go through my recipes looking for spring/summer food inspiration.
Ready for the oven
This tomato tart was fabulous and so easy to make. It has gone to the top of the list.

We ate outside for the first time. In summer the mosquitoes drive us inside - but we are really looking at ways to address that.
The candles and lights made the area look very glamorous.
Love candle light
View into the kitchen
Lamb risoni
This good old standby never dissapoints.
Even lovely at night

We created this garden in the corner of the veranda to disguise a very ugly water fountain.
Red onion and blue cheese tart
This was a new recipe for me. I used the baby spring onions from Lamb Island Farm to decorate the top.
Good old regular
Tractor Point
I now know why this area is called Tractor Point - well by the locals anyhow. I had been into the park before but only at high tide was unaware that this is the reason.
She looks lovely by candle light
Never tire of this view