Saturday, January 14, 2017

5 Months on Lamb Island

Almost 5 months ago we move to Lamb Island in Moreton Bay. Christmas has come and gone and now we are in the grip of a hot (as usual) Queensland summer.

The late evenings and early mornings are still delightful. If we want to work in the garden it really has to be done before 6.30am. Luckily we do have lovely ocean breezes and on the really hot days the living area of the house is air-conditioned.

We have been cooking our favourite food as well as experimenting with new recipes.

I made my first ever jelly from scratch.
Prosecco jelly
Also made a refrigerator cake a favourite from the 70's when friends came for lunch. I decorated it with edible flowers from the local flower farm called Pretty Produce. Previously I always decorated it with frangipani flowers.
70's refrigerator cake
This cake was a new one for me and will be made again
Pear and Ginger cake 

For afternoon tea I also made an Orange Ricotta cake
Also had pine nuts
The birds come to be fed twice a day. Well I tell them twice a day but somethings they call me earlier than they should. We love this family of Kookaburra's.
Not sure which one is the baby
We love this cheeky one also
Bit close for comfort
On a really hot day a couple of weeks ago Sister J and I made passata - what were we thing in the heat.
The flavour was well worth it
We have a couple of good options for swimming here. There is a pool on Russell Island a free 5 minute ferry ride away. A lovely sandy beach at Karragarra Island a 10 minute free ferry ride in the other direction or our local swimming enclosure. Of course the beach and enclosure are regulated by tides but we can work around that.
Picnic on Karragarra
Enclosure Lamb Island
The treat here is lovely clean water 3 minutes down the road looking over Stradbroke Island and watching the sail boats go by as you swim.

The sun sets have been amazing. There is nothing quite as magical as sun setting over water.
Every few weeks I make a batch of my favourite chicken and leek pies. They go in the freezer and bingo we have a snack or a meal with vegetables on the nights we don't feel like cooking.
Family favourite
When our neighbour had a glut of cucumbers I made pickled cucumber salad.
I ate it with everything
My gold Budda guards our front door. She is usually adorned with what ever flowers are around in the garden each day.
So serene
The November lilies bloomed profusely at the Tina Ave house so we cut them every second day.
Love these
We were very excited when this tree flowered outside the bathroom window. So glorious we planted another one in the garden in front of where we eat breakfast and lunch most days.

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