Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A lot has happened

Since my last post in March I have been on a holiday to the Blue Mountains in New South Wales with good friend C and moved house twice.

I stayed for 14 weeks with lovely friend R & S and their 2 dogs Lulu and Johnny whilst waiting for the house on Lamb Island to be vacant.

Sister J and brother in law B and I are living together now for company in our retirement.

We have been here just 3 weeks and already are quite settled.
This is the view from our verandah
Morning coffee and afternoon tea spot
This is also where we feed the birds twice a day
Our very regular visitor
Front verandah
We had quite a time putting two households together. As you can see we have lots of possessions on the verandah to fit things in. We are not overcrowded at all as we have been selective about what to use, what to store and what has to 'go'.
The garden has lots of potential
We have started a vegetable garden and even have a mushroom pack. There are lots of trees that we are waiting to see flower.
We had our first family lunch on Sunday the first of many.

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