Sunday, January 3, 2016

Return to Lamb Island

Son M and daughter in law C have moved to the Lamb Island house owned by sister J.

The Sunday post Christmas lunch was massive. The 3 chefs worked all morning. Luckily the new kitchen survived the onslaught.
The usual Robbins over catering
Luckily they had plenty of overnight house guests to polish off the left overs.

The following day we went to Sister D's house for a healthy lunch. She really outdid herself with the innovative salads.
Crisp and clean
When dessert came it all fell to pieces..... The Adriano Zumbo chocolate brownie was to die for. Served with ice-cream and raspberry coulis from the Margaret River Chocolate Company. I started eating mine and forgot to photograph it. No body makes a brownie like Sister D ( loved her beet chocolate ones) but this was a special one. Lucky for us she had a box of the mix for each of us to take home.

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