Sunday, July 19, 2015

Winter has arrived

There is lots to love about winter in Queensland, sunny days and impossibly clear blue skies. However when the westerly winds blow we are not so in love.

To be fair it is only for a few days a year but when you are used to lots of still sun shiny days it can seem for ever. Especially as older houses have been built for the tropics with plenty of natural air flow. I actually had to leave my heater on for 2 days running and didn't open the windows. A definite rarity for me. I love fresh air and light.
Friend C gave me some tea that was selling out in a small supermarket for $1 a box.
My new winter friend
This is a wonderful drink after my daily walk. I make it adding fresh orange peel and cloves. Perfect for this time of the year. I did walk down Leichhardt Street on Thursday, a particularly chilly day, and was rewarded with having the Roma Street gardens practically to myself. Just the gardeners and the Ibis.
Decorative cabbages
They have introduced honey bees into the garden.
Such great idea
I walked home down Wickham Terrace past one of our oldest buildings
The old windmill
In the cooking department I made beef bourguignon when the favourite gay boyfriends came to dinner. We all love our food so these are always happy funny occasions. Fried D has recently returned from South America and then a trip on 'The Ghan'. Lots of stories and I forgot to photograph the finished meal.
beef before the bottle of merlot was added
Yesterday I made Karythopita (Greek walnut syrup cake) for a girls dinner tonight at C's place. She decided on a greek theme - needless to say more foodies.
Wonderful ingredients
delicious with yoghurt
Being winter I also made some poached dried fruit. This new recipe used half a bottle of white wine you just know that this will be good
With french toast and yoghurt
I made some other dishes like paprika chicken that we ate before I remembered to photograph. It was so good I will be making this again very soon.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Exploring the 'hood' - a good week

I have been walking every afternoon getting to know my new area. So much to see. Lovely old workers cottages some have been restored, others not. I love peeking into the back yards of old houses in Spring Hill. It is like looking back in time. Lovely old fashioned plants, hills hoists, and old tank, and tropical trees.
Yesterday I walked to the Old Museum. They were having a vintage fair called 'Finder's Keepers'. The whole place was packed with people buying hand made craft and fashion and picnicking in the garden.
Lovely spot for lunch
Museum garden
Friend Paul C came for morning tea. He has been on 2 sea cruises since I saw him last. Always good for an adventure tale.
Veggie muffins
I made a batch of my good old stand by muffins. These are great served warm with sour cream and tomato relish - I still have some left from my December batch.
Pumpkin and feta pie
Made this other old recipe to have for lunches. Nothing beats roasted pumpkin and feta.

Bacon, egg and leek pie
This is my first bacon and egg pie. I have always wanted to make one after I tasted one in Auckland years ago. I wanted something for a picnic plus the Griffins were going to Lamb Island for the day. A perfect portable lunch.
Friend C and her dog Val and I drove to Bribe Island for a picnic and walk on the beach in the winter sunshine.
Val had the best time
Gourmet picnic
C made individual lemon sago puddings for us to eat with greek yoghurt. After dessert we drove to Bongaree and bought coffee to have with her chocolate slice. It is a good thing that we did a very long beach walk.
Cyclamen to add colour for winter
Morning winter light
For a few minutes when the sun is in the right spot it shines through the red glass over the front door and bathes this area of the lounge room in this lovely light.