Sunday, April 19, 2015

Last Friday night

Opening the wine with a sabre
I attended a dinner party hosted by G and B, in their home,  whom I managed during their modelling careers in Brisbane in the 90's. They lived in London and travelled extensively until now with 3 children they have settled back in Brisbane. G took over my job when I retired.
The party was a get together of 'old' models and partners to see good friend K who now is living permanently in London. She is visiting with her 3 children at the moment.

The beautiful setting was  in front of their house on the river. All lit with hundreds of candles.
As K follows the Paleo diet this is the food that was prepared.
Beans with pine nuts and asparagus

Roasted vegetables and behind a beetroot salad

Monkey with cinnamon
This was the tequila set up. K's husband an American loves tequila and taught us all to drink tequila with orange and cinnamon - not the usual lemon and salt

We had a wonderful evening catching up with old friends
The plate of healthy food

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