Monday, September 30, 2013

Sunday Lunch

I made a 'girl' type lunch yesterday for Melanie and my self. This means a lovely Quiche Lorraine, salad and Creme Caramel with strawberries.

It was the salad that was the star of the show. A new one I found just perusing a cook book as I am want to do. 'Food Porn'.

Finely sliced fennel, finely sliced orange, spring onions, and white beans. I used my favourite mustardy french type dressing and made sure all of the juice from slicing the oranges went into the bowl.
So crunchy and fresh
This view shows off my petunias
I am looking forward to trying at least one new salad every week this summer.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Chocolate Crunch

This is a no bake treat that is very rich, but lovely with a cup of coffee.

I cut up into tiny pieces dried mango, peach, pear, apple added sultanas currents and glace cherries. Simmered the lot in fresh orange juice, then add broken digestive biscuits, slivered almonds and a mixture of very good milk and dark melted chocolate. Mix it up and press into a pan and chill.

One small piece per day

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Almond Meringue Slice

I am currently preparing items for tasting for Graham's new venture with Mandy. It is a furniture/gift/home wares/coffee shop on Oxford Street.

I made this slice from and old fashioned New Zealand recipe from a book called 'Ladies, a Plate' - a gift from Ron the provider of wonderful books of all kinds.

My thoughts are that lots of ladies like to have something with coffee or tea but don't always want a large piece of cake.
Crisp and light
Just the thing to satisfy a sweet tooth but not too heavy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kalbar Festa Della Salsicca

My darling friend Rosie has had cancer of different forms for the past 7 years. She is fighting this as she has a 10 year old son. She also has a large supportive Italian family plus the largest circle of friends you could imagine.

Rosie's eldest brother Jo had a 'Sausage making festival' on his farm at Kalbar to help raise money for her ongoing treatment.

70 plus friends and family gathered from 1pm. The plan was a sausage demonstration and then everyone was placed in a team to make a batch of sausages. The pig had been raised on the farm.
Our team
Mrs Bozzi judging the competition
We came second

After the winner was chosen there was the making of Panzotti. This is a type of calzone pizza a speciality of the Bari region of Italy where the Bozzi family come from.

Mrs Bozzie and family members made everything from scratch.
Dough rolling lessons
Ready to cook
Filled with mozzarella, fresh tomato & cheese

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our front garden

We have always had a problem with the garden in front of the french doors that lead out from the lounge room. It is facing directly west so that the afternoon sun for 9 months of the year is very hot and strong.
For some years we just gave up and let the weeds grow.

However in preparation for the wake after Graham's Mothers funeral, Graham bought some flowering plants. He did prepare the soil well and Charlene planted the flowers.

The garden has flourished and we give it lots of care and attention.
a cottage garden
Graham's favourite
single daisy
We must keep tho alive during the summer

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spring comes to the outdoor table

The weather is so lovely that we eat breakfast and lunch outside whenever we are at home. I leave the weekend papers out there so that I can read a little more when I even stop for a drink. I can't seem to sit and read a whole newspaper in one go. Especially if I have a project in mind for the day.

I change the centre piece on a regular basis to suit the seasons etc. At the moment of course I am thinking Spring.
All of the items are from my collection of 'things'
I forgot I had the big circular orange placemats. A friend gave them to me when she was clearing out her apartment in preperation to live on a boat. I must go through by boxes of 'things' more often - so many treasures.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creme Caramel

Creme Caramel is a favourite desert and often eaten when dining out. I have made one before long long ago and decided to try again for Graham's birthday dinner.

Previously I used my Margaret Fulton recipe but decided on a Patricia Wells one. Her's had more eggs but no cream like Margaret's. I am going to try the Margaret Fulton one again and see which is the best.

I filled the centre with cointreau strawberries.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Vintage Cane Chairs

Nev bought over these cane chairs recently. We were preparing for Monica's wake when we were expecting 70 odd friends and relatives at Carramar Street. I was so excited when I saw them and even happier when he said that I could keep them.
fabulous shape
I have a feeling that they were meant primarily for extra seating but were offered to me when he saw how excited I was when I saw them.

I asked about a matching table but unfortunately it no longer exists - shame. Now I want to do an afternoon tea just so that I can show off the chairs.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Spring plantings

I have had extra time this year to concentrate on the garden. I have also planted the usual pots of colour. These are so lovely to cheer up the outside table for family lunches or just for me to enjoy.
Purple pansies 
These always remind me of George and Lucy Jamieson and 'The Crescent' Coorparoo. There were always purple pansies down the front path. This is such a stong memory from my childhood.
I have to do this every year.
White petunias
These are also a regular favourite. I leave them in full morning sun and then pop them up on the table at lunch time. Mt 'day off' lunches feel very glamorous surrounded by flowers.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sunday - Pumpkin Scones

Another test run for Scones. Lady Flo's recipe! It is actually the same as many others that I researched.
Great with butter
I had left over cold mashed pumpkin - what to do?
Pumpkin & Date Cake of course

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mushrooms on Toast

My latest favourite breakfast is Mushrooms on Toast. I use the big field mushrooms or Swiss Browns. I fry the slices gently in oil and butter (not crowded as per Julia Child's instruction), so that each side colours and caramelises. When almost cooked I add the finely chopped garlic, after a few minutes a good splosh of sherry. Turn the heat off and let it subside gently.

Then I add freshly chopped parsley and the best ingredient - soft goats cheese. This lifts it to a whole new level.
Left overs are good for the next day
On my favourite spelt sour dough toast
It is also very healthy.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Lemonade Scones

Graham loves Lemonade scones and often speaks about them. I found a few recipes and decided on one from Delicious Magazine.
The mix
Ready for oven
12 minutes later
It worked
I have always wanted to make good scones. I have eaten many over the years. Some like bricks and some that leave a bitter taste. I was always reluctant to try making them myself. This version is not heavy at all.