Sunday, July 22, 2012

1950's revisited

My Grandmother Lucy Maud Jamieson was a dressmaker. In today's language she would have been described as a 'designer/dressmaker'. She was creative in many ways including painting the cement floor in the down stairs room when they installed a second toilet. The concrete was painted and then she hand painted free style a lovely pattern on it.

I loved 2 bottles that she decorated, and was very pleased to find them after she died. Apparently they didn't mean anything to anyone but me, so I have been treasuring them since the 1970's.
Very elegent

Hand painted
The black and white creation was done with thin plastic tubing. It was all the rage when I was a child. People made necklaces and broaches. Nana very cleverly covered this bottle.

These are both now over 50 years old. I just love them.


  1. Sandra, I remember those bottles. How nice that you have them. Lucy certainly was a talented lady. Sad that we would not have seen half of her abilities or work.

  2. Did you know that I had the bottles? No one wanted them after she died so I was very happy to take them.
