Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Potato Pizza

Potato pizza is one of my favourite friday night meals. I can always find a potato, I always have roti, lebanese bread, or tortilla's (yes I have used all of these for a base) in my freezer. There is always garlic, oil, salt and fresh rosemary from the garden, parmesan and or feta cheese.

I slice the potato very finely on the mandolin, lay it out in a single layer on a dinner plate and microwave for 2 minutes. Put it straight on the base, cover with crushed garlic, finely chopped rosemary salt, pepper. cheese (s) of choice and drizzle with olive oil.

Pop in the oven on a pizza tray, have a quick shower and dinner is ready. A green salad and wine are optional extra's.
Always good

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