Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Lovely Spring Meal

My sage is growing very well along with all of the herbs. I wanted to use it in a recipe in case it suddenly dies. This does seem to happen to me with sage. So I made a Pumpkin, Ricotta and Sage.
The lemon thyme is looking good as well. I grow this especially for Chicken Thyme and Feta rissoles. This time I made them from turkey mince.
Pumpkin Tart, Turkey Rissoles and Grilled Asparagus
I am really loving the thin asparagus oiled and barbecued then tossed in lemon juice and sea salt.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The lovely trees on my daily walk

As the weather is so beautiful now I have increased my walking time. 25 Minutes in the morning and 30-40 minutes in the evening.
A beautiful gum tree

The lovely tree trunk