Sunday, October 23, 2011

A lovely Sunday in October

Today I went to 'The Barracks' to go to the cinema and have lunch. This is the renovated old police barracks at the top of Caxton Street.

I arrived early to have a coffee before I met Ron and Stephen to see the latest Woody Allen movie "Midnight in Paris'.

So many lovely things
The first thing I saw was this lovely shop.
Another view
So many beautiful things.
Peasant Restaurant 
After the movie we had fabulous tapas and white Sangria. Home for a sleep, then a lovely walk in the park - one fabulous day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Another Palm Tree - found in Cairns

Lipstick palm
I just love palm trees and was very excited to find this lipstick palm named for it's red trunk. It only grows in the tropics.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Todays garden delights

After the rain of this past week the veggies and herbs are growing like crazy. I ate beans, lettuce, rocket and radishes every day.
This mornings crop
There is so much parsley of both varieties that I have had to cut it and use is in vases in the kitchen in stead of flowers.
This morning I had scrambled eggs with wilted spinach ( just pout a kettle of boiling water over it in a colander' and I was eating it less than 15 minutes of it being picked. Can't get fresher than that.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Elandra Resort-South Mission Beach

The Lobby
The Pool deck
The view from our suite
The resort is on South Mission Beach 2 hours south of Cairns