Sunday, July 17, 2022

Winter update 2022

Mark started a new job with Childhood Cancer Support he loves it which is so important. He still does his maintenance jobs about 10 hours a week.

There was a massive flood in February. We were safe here but for a few days I couldn't get out as the intersection with Manly Road was flooded. Mark was able to get to work (the only one who could) by going the back way and driving through water. The green space at the end of our street was flooded.

My friend Carol's apartment building in Yeronga was totally flooded in the basement and she couldn't get out for 3 days. Finally was able to get through the water to her car parked out on a nearby street. She made her way here with Val her dog and stayed for 4 days until we could find her a dog friendly apartment to stay in for 2 weeks. Val decided he liked Mark's chair.

Not long after I contracted Covid. Luckily it was before Easter.

At Easter time Mark and I drove to Tamworth to meet up with Danny and Charissa at Bek and Jordan's new property. Had a lovely catch up. I throughly enjoyed the road trip. 

Bek loves her horses. Puting on their pyjamas before bed.

We visited a wildlife park and met a cheeky King Parrot. He loves to steal earings.

In May there was another flood scare. This time not as bad in Brisbane but desperate in Northern NSW.

I do love this house more and more. My new herb garden.

Danny sent me money for Mother's Day so I bought this lovely plant.

I have found an excellent marmalade recipe.

I found an excellent osteopath and have been doing gentle exercises plus swimming regularly. My pain has almost all gone. So liberating to have control over this. I have been suffering in one capacity or another for over 6 years. So grateful to be living here with all of it's advantages.