Saturday, February 24, 2018

February heat/rain

I had planned to write about the constant heat of February but our internet was down for over a week. Now we have wonderful rain.
It has been raining on and off for over a week - so fabulous for the new hedge and the lawn. With red dirt on Lamb Island having a good lawn is essential. That red volcanic soil that is so good to grow things colours everything. Even the white tile grout in the shower.

Our chickens are doing well - on some days we get 4 eggs from 5 chickens. One previously grew to be a rooster so we swapped him for a new hen, then all of a sudden the lovely looking red one started to crow.... He has gone. We are waiting now for a replacement.
Fun afternoon with a view
Every afternoon we let them out for a scratch and adventure for about 45 minutes.
The red door
We found this old door under the house. Mark attached it when he built the new pen and Jonnie painted it red.We love it.
Peach syrup cake
I have been doing some cooking as the kitchen here is much better suited to fun cooking. This cake was for Brie's birthday.
Lemon yoghurt cake for Jonnie's birthday
Bread and butter pudding
This pudding was made with brioche - just lovely.
Pommes Boulangere
Spanish frittata
View on a sunny day
A grey day - both beautiful
Start of the new cushion covers
Our garden is coming along beautifully. As soon as it stops raining I will update photo's and do another blog.