Thursday, March 2, 2017

Early March update

It is autumn but still hot in the middle of the day. The promised rain has not arrived - so we are watering constantly to keep the garden looking good.

Friend C and I and her dog Val did our usual trek to Dicky Beach on the Sunshine Coast for a week. Now that I have a lovely view to look at every day looking at the horizon is not such a treat as usual. It was very hot and so we were restricted to early morning and late afternoon on the beach.

It was lovely to see the boy with Goat is still alive and well.
Very grown up now
We have been cooking a lot as usual.
Thai beef salad
Carrot, ginger and coriander soup

Son M's cat comes to visit when he is lonely or just seeing what we are up to.
Looking for geko's
There is a new strain of Mango that a few farmers are trailing. Called Princess Mango's, we have a tree at the Tina Ave house. We are not convinced that they are that fabulous.
Small trees so easy to pick
This is my favourite evening view
Hope it never moves