Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Friday night experience

On Friday night I was invited to a 'baby blessing'. This is the Indian version of a baby shower for the Mother to be.

EXCEPT it is much more civilized. A lovely blessing and no silly games.

I was invited to participate in the blessing and just followed instructions.
Items for the blessing
The Mother to be wore the rose petal lei. Each lady dips 2 fingers first in the tumeric, and makes a mark down the back of each hand, then on each cheek, then into the paprika and makes a mark on the middle of the forehead. Then one glass bangle is placed on each arm. Each lady does this in turn.
Grandmother to be is the first to do a blessing
 When everyone has had a turn the Grandmother to be does a blessing on each pregnant woman, we have 2 more at Dahrl Court, then those who want to become pregnant have a blessing. There was lots of laughing and giggling amongst those who do not want to fall pregnant.

Offerings to Gods
For participating we were all given 2 glass bracelets and a rose.
Of course my hands are too big for such delicate bracelets
We were then treated to the usual Indian feast (vegetarian) and as usual I had 2 serves - we are spoilt here for good Indian food. It just doesn't taste the same when we eat Indian out.
Hindu God gift 
This little twin pack is especially for Hindu festivals. It was part of the 'gift' all of the women received at the end of the dinner. It was in an Ikea tupperware type container along with 2 ferrero rocher chocolates. I have no idea of the significance of the last 2 items.

The mother to be wears the bracelets until the baby is born. The idea is that the baby can hear the gentle jangle of the bracelets in the womb and is soothed. Eastern version of playing Mozart - and hoping your child will develop a taste for good music.
About 20 on each arm
It is usually hard to photograph the children at events here as they are so hyped on cake they don't stay still. There was no cake so I had the chance to get a couple of shots. I did hear one treasure ask her mother very loudly where the cup cakes were.
Not so sure about the blue crocs

Monday, March 7, 2016

A week at Dicky Beach

This is the second year that friend C and I (plus Val the dog), have spent a week at Dicky Beach in February. I am really hoping that this will be a yearly sojourn.

The apartment is functional and dog friendly - so low maintenance. Polished concrete floors, no rugs, but a lovely view, balcony large enough to eat on, and air-conditioning. The kitchen is very good, all stainless steel benches, and a coffee machine.

The view from the balcony
This is a local residents beach, not a tourist destination. The locals come to the park pictured above at first light to check the surf. Not long after, the surfers are out on the waves before going to work. After work they return to ride their boards, surf kites and walk their dogs. It is rare to find this picnic table unoccupied. Right until last light there are people having drinks or evening picnics.
A view to the horizon is so good for the soul
Always someone to watch in the surf
We walked and swam 3 times a day, and didn't leave the area from Sunday afternoon until Thursday when we ventured into Caloundra to look at swim suits (the best shop) plus the charity shops for bargains.

On Friday we had the 'holiday' fish and chips for lunch.
It is not a holiday with out fish and chips
You have to love a rented apartment with 'Granny's China'.
There is no other explanation for this
I am sure there were vegetable dishes last year. It must have been a setting for 12. Wedding china?

Walking the dog is the height of social activity in the afternoons after 4pm when a very large section of the beach becomes an off leash area. This part of the beach is really not suitable for swimming. Too many rocks and rips.
Doggy heaven
There are so many animals on the beach including a pet goat called Bob. Bob is very well behaved and comes when he is called. He doesn't chase balls but just enjoys interaction with 'nice dogs'.
Bob meets an impolite dog

Bob head buts impolite dog

Val meets Bob
No problems
In the afternoons we often 'wallowed' in Tooway Creek that runs into the ocean.
Late afternoon 
There is always so much to watch out in the ocean. I particularly like watching the huge ships loaded with containers that appear on the horizion. They look like they are headed straight into the shore until they make a sharp turn into the channel.
They seem to make such sharp turns
Up past the patrolled surf beach is another off leash area. This one is further from the apartment but very popular as it also has a creek that comes to the beach. this one has not broken through so is much deeper to swim in - great for large dogs. It has a coffee van in the mornings so is very social.
View whilst drinking a morning coffee
Last drinks