Thursday, June 25, 2015

5 months in Spring Hill

I haven't done many posts this year so far but have been busy settling in the new apartment.

I have cooked some meals and also had a short holiday with some favourite people.

Rainbow beach
I am much more organised in the kitchen and have cooked some of my good old favourites.
Easter pie
Chicken and feta rissoles with cabbage and broccalini
Friend C wanted to escape her home one morning as the builders next door were making such a noise. I already had a chicken in the oven so invited her over for lunch. I was very please with what I pulled together within an hour.
Impromptu lunch
Sister J painted the entry so now it looks even better so fresh in the sunlight and very pretty in candlelight

Garden at the entry
Great Grand Daughter A visited while her father serviced my car. She was fascinated that there was a family behind every door in the upstairs apartments. She lives in an old Queenslander style home and has been know to tell the odd person that she lives in a 'castle'!!!
I didn't even try to explain that this impliment was for cutting the foil on a bottle of wine. Bit obsolite now anyhow, but I always loved it.

I raided the garden at Carramar Street in fact have been bring back herbs regularly. We now have the start of a good herb garden here now so will soon be picking our own.
The lavender needed trimming
Afternoon tea for a lovely Indian couple before their return to India
Found this lovely cushion
I have started walking the suburb and intend to venture further before winter is finished. I did trek into the valley a couple of weeks ago to check out one of the new laneways. I found the best chocolate brownie in a fabulous little shop.
A real treat
Over 5 months on and I am enjoying my new new home more every day.