Saturday, February 14, 2015

Little Spring Hill kitchen

One month ago today I made a move into a studio apartment in Spring Hill. A big move and change for me after sharing a house with G for 22 years.

I have a much smaller kitchen than I am used to so am getting used to working in a small space. It just takes some careful planning.
My cook books are close at hand
I didn't realise how many cook books I had until I put them all together on one shelf above the kitchen cupboards.
My favourite little pieces look great here
The violets on the shelf under the bubble glass window are loving their new home. One plant has 3 new blooms already.
Smaller stove
So far the stove has cooked very well. I am getting used to an electric cook top. My favourite french baking pan JUST fits in the over phew!
My largest working space
I have learned that my big wooden chopping board fits over the sink so I do serious chopping etc there. As I also have a garbage disposal in the second sink it is so easy to just scrape the peelings into the sink. Just a new way of doing things.
White bean dip
I made this dip today as friend C is coming over for a drink. A whole head of roasted garlic and a can of white beans - so simple.
My entry
I am very happy with this entry. It looks so cheery and welcoming. Also the plants are doing so well.
Dining area
The plants in the dining area are still looking happy as well.

So far I have cooked chicken in the oven, a lamb pasta bake, a lentil soup, grilled fish and tonight I am making a curry. A few more practice runs before I do a serious dinner for guests.