Monday, February 28, 2011

White Orchids

I love white orchids. These were part of a bouquet that I received for my birthday ( I actually made 3 vases from the arrangement). They just look so refreshing during a hot February weekend.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

My first view of the Brittany coast

This was my first view of the coast of Brittany in northern France. It was from a hole in the wall of the fortress town of St Malo. We arrived by train and took a cab from the station to our hotel inside the old walled town. We planned to walk all around the top of the battlements before dinner. This was our first sight as we came to the end of an alley looking for the stairs to climb upon the wall

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Perfect setting

This bower of flowers for a wedding on the beach on Virgin Gorda was just a delight. The perfect soft colours to go with the blue ocean and cream sand.The girls in the bridal party all wore flowing dresses to match the flowers. The bride and the men in the party all wore white.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cucumber update

The cucumber plants are coming along so well. I can see the difference every day in their size. We are going to have a wonderful crop. I may pick some when they are very small and try pickling them.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Art in the 21st Century

Yesterday I did a 'Curator's tour' at the GOMA for a behind the scene's look at the exhibition. This was one of my favourite images. It is hanging from the ceiling and almost touches the floor. All made from plastic shopping bags.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Star box

This lovely box was a birthday gift filled with chocolates. I re-gifted the chocolates and kept the box. The lid is totally covered in gold sequins and looks very luxurious.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stolen Flowers

These flowers are from the trees in my area on the footpaths. I couldn't resist taking some of the flowers on the way home from my daily walk. They smell wonderful.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Protecting the new rocket plants

It has been so hot since I planted the new rocket plants, that they have been showing signs of stress. I put up this umbrella to protect them from the midday heat. Did Maxi actually think that it was for HIS benefit!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Torcello Island - Venice

We came across this lovely garden belonging to the 'Ristorante Villa 600' on the afternoon we explored Torcello. It was so picture perfect that we ordered a bottle of wine and creme brulee, just so that we could sit and enjoy the scene. The formally dressed waiter bought out our wine to the little canopied area and we stayed for over an hour. A perfect memory.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Palm Trees

I really love palm trees. They feature on my cushions, earings, the odd bowl as well as live trees. I found this remnant today whilst looking for new fabric to refurbish my sunroom screen. I have 2 remnants for a total of $5.50. Not sure yet whether to do a small cushion or a table mat.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Little Volunteers

Nev has planted the first of the new crop of salad vegies. These cucumbers came from seeds from an old cucumber from next door's vegtable garden. We had sampled some of these cucumbers over the summer and now we will have our own supply.We actually got a better result from breaking open the old cucumber and planting the seeds than from a bought packet.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rain relief on a steamy February afternoon

When ever I travel to a city in Europe I always check out the Cathederals. They are facinating places for history research or just a cool quiet place to rest during a day's exercusion. I decided to go to St Stephen's Cathederal in Elizabeth Street. Just as I was arriving the rain poured down. I sat and waited in the quiet for it to stop. This sight from my seat was just so peaceful and refreshing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love Street Art

I found this in 2005. It was on a street not far from where I was staying in The Pigalle in Paris. We used it as a landmark to find our way home - especially at night when Paris streets can take on a new look and life.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More flowers

Iris' are one of my favourites. I recieved this lovely bunch for my birthday.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Furneaux Lodge New Zealand

This was the first nights accommodation on the 'Queen Charlotte Walk'. There are no roads into the lodge. You have to hike in or come by boat. The gardens are just delightful, leading down to the ocean. The dining/bar area is just like I imagine a lodge would be in Scotland. The largest open fireplace I have ever  seen.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


The first night I spent on Lamb Island in August 2001 there was a big storm. Not only was the storm so loud but after the rain stopped, the Curlews started to make their night time noises. When you have never hear these bird noises before it sounds like someone is being murdered. After a time we learned to live with them.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stencils on the ceiling - Locanda Art Deco Hotel

These pretty stencils were on the ceiling above my bed in the hotel in Venice. The hotel was built in the 1400's. Because the ceilings are so high they were able to built loft floors for a second bedroom in the suite. Our suite was 5 floors up - no elevator. I counted 50 steps, and then another 10 up to my 'loft'.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I love Oleander as a cut flower for the house. They make a wonderful display, and best of all are free! I steal them from the trees along the fence line of the old hermit at the end of our street. Perfect for summer cheer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Takashi Murakami at Versailles
I loved this installation at Versailles. 15 rooms including the hall of mirrors had these fabulous pieces. Europeans didn't really like this exhibition. They are not used to Asian art and found it difficult to appreciate such modern pieces in an historical famous building.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Black Beard the Pirate

The jury is still out on whether or not Black Beard the Pirate really existed. However on the island of St Thomas he is definately part of the folklaw. His 'castle' is a great tourist attraction. I have always loved stories about pirates so photographing 'pirate places' on St Thomas was a real treat for me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another Salad with broad beans

I am obsessed with broad beans at the moment. They are time consuming to prepare but will worth the effort. This recipe has the broad beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, baby bocchini, water cress and dobs of pesto along with the dressing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chinese New Year - 2011- the year of the Rabbit

I went into Fortitude Valley to experience the fun of Chinese New Year celebrations. This is always a fun noisy time. Between drummers, lion dancers, cabbage eating lions, fire crackers, thousands of Australians and not to forget the Chinese, the Valley was packed. It was such a hot February night it was good to finally escape to Oxford Street for a coffee.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Eating and drinking in the Victoria & Albert Museum - London

I took these photo's just after having lunch in the V&A Museum. We spent the morning looking at the fashion, the china collection, and the the Ballet De Ruses exhibition. By this time we were starving. What a fabulous surprise when we found 'the food'. Not only did the different buffets have great varieties of food on offer, but there were 3 options of dining rooms to eat in.
The surroundings make you feel as if you are dining in a fabulous restaurant.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Stained glass window

I love cathederals. Especially the stained glass windows. When most worshipers couldn't read or write this was the way to tell the stories of the bible and to teach the parables. This window is in St John's Cathederal in Brisbane. It is the Australian/American Friendship window in honour of World War 11 when General Douglas Macarthur was stationed in Brisbane.

Friday, February 4, 2011

As pretty as flowers

I bought these potted chillies in place of flowers this week. I love having fresh flowers for the weekend, but in such hot humid weather they only last a couple of days. These will last much longer.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The new tea tray

I bought this tray imagining pretty cups and a tea pot, little cakes and taking tea in the garden. Rexi had other ideas.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

St Thomas and the 99 steps

I first read about these steps whilst doing research for a trip to St Thomas in the Carribean, March 2009. The 99 steps are part of an historic walk that I wanted to do. In the early January I tore the meniscus in my left knee. These steps were my motivation to work hard at my physio sessions and exercises. It paid off - I went up and down twice.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Saffron couscous salad with green olives and char grilled capsicum

I am on a constant search to find interesting salads to brighten my life. I found a good one on the weekend. Not only that, but I actually had all of the ingredients in the pantry/refrigerator. It is not often that you find something you want to make and you actually don't have to go shopping for ingredients first.